How can I get there? (2023)
How can I get there? was crafted in consideration of the in-accessibilities people of all kinds face on a daily basis with transportation in an effort to bring awareness to these obstacles that people must face so consistently. While efforts have been put towards making modifications at times, the responsibilities are so often placed on the “rider” to make the situation work for them. Too often the person facing disjuncture is asked how they can change, asking the question of what it really means to be human. How are the accommodations informing society’s idea of, or lack of, humanness?
This installation asks those who interact with the sliding-pieces labeled with modes of transportations and in-accessibilities to consider the pieces they choose to move and reprioritize throughout this maze of routes. Whose needs are therefore deprioritized at that moment and what can be done to help? A monochromatic gray color scheme recognizes that the answers to such a situation are not clear, black and white. All of the sliding pieces are connected through a single band to showcase how one modification, while it may help someone, can become entangled and cause struggles for the next human to come along. To detangle may demand time and effort, suggestive of time and attention that should be focussed on the accessibility of transportation.