A Squeeze From Poppop (2023)
A Squeeze From Poppop is a weighted blanket made from Poppop’s old t-shirts and family photos printed on fabric. The old family photos of grandchildren with their grandfather hold personal and family memories of joy and love that hope to be carried long into the future. The scattering of the photos that were pieced together around the blanket along with the fragmented edges recognize the way in which certain memories can come in and out of focus.
While family members can move further away from home with the demands of life it is important to hold on to memories tightly. Memories are composed of so much more than the visual however, and the weighted quality of this blanket recognizes the pressure in every loving hug a grandfather shares. Interacting with the blanket allows the edges to wrap around and provide a warmth and embrace that can overcome and ease the struggles of distance.