Movement Between (2022)

Movement Between is a tactiley engaging installation and sensory experience which is composed of individual roller units that are wrapped in different textures and are arranged to form three arrows throughout the room it is installed in. The three arrows all pay careful attention to point out the empty spaces, away from all other exhibited works around them or important features. Without pointing out anything in particular, this work takes up space in order to encourage exploration of the environment and what is found to fall between. There is a goal for those who interact with the work not only to observe how they situate themselves in the room and amongst other people, but also to recognize how others attempt to do so in a way that is comfortable for them. Everyone is able to fit in different places, just in different ways. 

The different textures utilize leftover fabrics from a previous work, Sensation, to reduce waste and further engage more people, people seeking out dissimilar tactile input. From bumpy to silky to furry, these pleasant textures work to entice people to interact with the arrows. Also like the work before these textures have a playfulness to them as well.


A Squeeze From Poppop

