Growing Communication (2022)

Considering how difficult it can be for some humans with disabilities to initiate and maintain conversations, Growing Communication offers a form to play with, add to, hide under, and communicate with and through. Initial understanding that not all communication is verbal led to the creation of this interactive and participatory work. There is a recognition for the weight of conversation and the power it holds to build bridges between people who seem to have forgotten or that all people are humans that exist at different points along one spectrum. It is also important to note that the physical form that makes up Growing Communication is comprised of recycled t-shirts. Shirts that were deemed to be unwanted, or less than others, now live on having been given new life and are featured in such a way that can continue to help others.   

Each individual has value to bring to this work and with each contribution the form grows both making space for more people to join and adding to the physical weight of this artifact for the conversations which took place. The work is participatory in two different stages and ways. The instances are as follows: when people bring or donate materials and when people join as contributors and work together. Conversations that stemmed from this working together centered on teaching others how to crochet as a way to have more people contribute, as well as other topics which allowed people the opportunity to get to know one another.


Brighter Together