Gabby’s Swing (2022)
Gabby’s Swing is a specialized sensory swing which was developed with and for a particular little girl with autism in mind - her name is Gabby. Currently sensory swings on the market offer a selection of mass produced designs that lack personalization that could better serve a particular child. This swing not only considers Gabby’s physical needs and the input her body seeks, but also empowers her by involving her in the design process, meeting and talking to discuss likes and dislikes as well as simply listening to anything she has to say. Her preferences, comforts, and voice are elevated in every choice that was made and the inclusion of her drawings painted onto swing components.
As relationships were fostered in the creative development and making process, they continued to develop and be strengthened for Gabby post creation with her peers. When displayed in the gallery setting the work was staged to recognize the humanness of the intended user, but once gifted to the intended user Gabby could and did use the swing as a point to communicate about and through with others. The quality of this work holds a functional quality which was able to see immediate results upon its installation in Gabby’s school, but even before its arrival the anticipation of such a gift became something to work towards, a motivator.